Showing posts with label bank PO.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bank PO.. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Bank PO self Confession (दोष-स्वीकृति)

A Mahuri boy : Now I am well qualified, achieved a professional degree, got job in a bank as Bank PO, now I am thinking to get married, I am searching a girl who  would be beautiful, educated, will stay with me & with my family. I used to search girl mostly in face book, who belongs to our caste, and we have a Mahuri matrimonial group also where I used to see every time if any girl’s profile updated or not.  Now in TV, Amazone Company is showing an advertisement:” Ar Dikhao Ar Dikhao” just same situation having with me. I used to send message to girls also in order to know whether she is interested to chat with me or not once. Whether she is searching someone herself or she will obey whatever her family says.

A Mahuri Boy’s father: My son now became Bank PO, working with one of the PSU banks of India. (Father should be proud to have such kind of educated son, no doubt). I will search a good family girl for my son; girl’s family should be rich enough to give us jewellary, TV, Washing Machine, Bike, Car & cash.  Yes I will demand because my son is working in Bank, and he is earning 6 to 7 lacs pa, in future he will earn more so the girl who will get married him, should give us some hefty amount so whatever we spend on my son’s marriage will cover all from them. Yes I want to spend on so many things, because society what they will think, my son’s working in a bank, earning so much. Even I have another son, even I have good business & income source, if any girl’s father wants her daughter to marry my son, and they need to bear such cost even our family having good status & rich culture. Without good money I will not allow my son to get marry anyone.

A Mahuri Boy: Yes whatever my father will say, that would be correct, whatever he will say, whatever way he will show, I will walk on that way only even I am well educated & qualified person. I can’t take decision and change my father’s decision even he is wrong. If that girl’s father can’t arrange than we will see another girl we have so many option in the society. Yes we will keep them in hold also because why I will take risk if I would not get more than that what they are offering us. I am a well educated fool Mahuri guy, I will go on my father’s way and I also want to take dowry from my future wife’s father, why I shouldn’t ask for dowry, I am a bank PO, earning a lot why to leave any money and this kind of chance. And I would be happy if that girls having a professional degree and we will both earn, I will enjoy with salary and we have more fun. Even at the time of marriage, girls father would take loan, let him take, who cares after marriage about their financial status,  who is going to ask them how they would be after marriage. I need happy, beautiful wife, money etc etc.

A Mahuri Boy’s father: Yes once marriage get over, who is going to ask how girl’s father would be, who care after marriage about their financial status, let them take loan also, who bothers, if that father or brother want her daughter or sister to get married my son, than they need to bear this kind of things, even we are growing financially & having good business.

Conclusion: That Mahuri boy still an educated big fool even qualified. Father by default a hoarder of money. Girls should avoid & boycott these kinds of families.

दहेज (Dowry)